If, you believe, as many others, appear - to, today's America, seems to, have lost its way, and, potentially, its identity, as the voice of freedom, throughout the free - world, you are, not - alone! Slowly, but, progressively, too may people, seemed to put, their own, personal/ political agenda, ahead of the needs, and best interests, of our nation, and the planet, etc! We have reached a point, where, unless, we take, meaningful, relevant, sustainable actions, especially, related to, everything, related to, the environment, Climate Change - dangers, Constitutional guarantees, and protecting all our rights and freedoms, for - all (instead of, selectively), etc, we will, certainly, lose - our - way! It is, past - time, for America, to, become, the UNITED States! With, that, in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it is important, and matters. 1. Unify; useful; urge/ urgent: We can, no longer, afford to wait, but must, demand, urgent priorities, be effectively, addressed, in a realistic way, as soon as possible! We need to elect people, who seek to unify, instead of divide, and create, useful, plans, and strategies, which they urge, others, to understand, and prioritize, before, it's too late! 2. Needs: Needs, must be, considered, and addressed, in a well - considered, timely manner, which is, both, relevant, and sustainable, as well as realistic, and important, for the nation, and planet, as a whole! Instead of articulating, populist rhetoric, our leader must, be ready, willing, and able, to lead, effectively, consistently, and, persistently! 3. Ideals; ideas; inspire; innovate; issues: Shouldn't, Constitutional guarantees, and, all our rights, and freedoms, be protected, as absolute, ideals? Shouldn't elected officials, promote ideas, which inspire and innovate, and focus on the most relevant issues? 4. Together; trends; time - tested; timely: We need to elect people, who focus on, bringing us, together, etc! To achieve these objectives, requires a combination, of, proceeding, with, well - considered, timely action, and using, the finest, time - tested methods, etc, and a willingness to serve, the greater - good! 5. Efforts; endurance; excellence; empathy: How a public leader, uses his efforts, and, whether he has the inner fortitude, to proceed, with the endurance, to overcome obstacles, etc, often, determines, whether, he demonstrates, the excellence, we deserve, or, less - than, that! Wouldn't it be nice, if elected representatives, proceeded, consistently, with an emphasis, on placing his focus, on areas, in an empathetic manner? 6. Delve deeply; divided; discover; deliver: This process should start, with an individual, willing to delve deeply, seeking solutions, to issues, which divide our nation, and citizens, and discover, a better approach! However, it takes more tha empty promises, and rhetoric, but, rather, a willingness, and readiness, to deliver, an emphasis, on preserving, and maintaining, our American Way of Life, regarding, freedoms, rights, and relevant, sustainable, realities!